The 2024 International Forum on Interoperable Semantic Annotation of Language Resources in Beijing

Guided by
China National Institute of Standardization

Organized by
The Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies, City University of Hong Kong
School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University

Sponsored by
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University

Beijing, 11–15 Sept 2024

The advent and increasing importance of large language models (LLMs) have called for urgent attention to the semantic analysis of linguistic corpora. The purpose is to achieve better interoperability and exchange of semantically annotated language resources for better transparency leading towards the improvements of AI technologies such as generative pre-trained transformer (GPT).

In response to the emergent requirements, the 2024 International Forum on Interoperable Semantic Annotation of Language Resources in Beijing is organised under the auspices of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in conjunction with the National Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC). It is held on the series of ISO standards for semantic annotation arising from the work at ISO’s Working Group 2 of the language resource management sub-committee. These standards cover general principles of semantic annotation for space, time, event, quantification, dialogue acts, semantic roles, discourse relations, and evaluative language as well as their interlinking.

Speakers, Participants and Topics

  • Bunt Harry Prof. (NBN / University of Tilburg, the Netherlands): Interlinking Semantic Annotations
  • Calberg-Challot Marie Dr. (AFNOR / Onomia, France)
  • Cao Xinyu Dr. (SAC / China National Institute of Standardization, China)
  • Cardey Sylviane Prof. (AFNOR / University of Franche-Comté, France)
  • Dong, Min Prof. (SAC / Beihang University, China)
  • Fang Alex Prof. (SAC / City University of Hong Kong, China): Towards an ISO International Standard on the Annotation of Evaluative Language
  • Hao Tony Prof. (SAC / South China Normal University, China): Measurable Quantitative Information Extraction
  • Lee Kiyong Prof. (KATS / Korea University, South Korea): Annotation-Based Semantics for Dynamic Spaces with Motions
  • Papapodolou Maria Prof. (AFNOR / University of Savoie Mont Blanc, France)
  • Pustejovsky James Prof. (ANSI / Brandeis University, USA): Annotation of Dynamic Information
  • Rocher Christophe Prof. (AFNOR / University of Savoie Mont Blanc, France)
  • Wang Deqing Dr. (Beihang University, China)
  • Wang Haitao Dr. (SAC / China National Institute of Standardization, China): Measurable Quantitative Information Extraction
  • Zhang Hui Prof. (Beihang University, China)

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Topic
11-09-24 1900-2100 Dinner meeting on Floor 3 of Vision Hotel
12-09-24 Venue: State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment
0900-1030 Harry Bunt Tilburg University, Holland Towards an international standard for Language resource management – Semantic annotation – Part 17: Interlinking of annotations
1030-1045 Coffee break
1045-1200 Tony Hao & Haifao Wang South China Normal University & China National Institute of Standardization Review of ISO/PWI 24617-15 Language resource management – Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) – Part 15: Measurable quantitative information extraction (MQIE)
1200-1300 Lunch break
1300-1430 Alex C. Fang City University of Hong Kong, PRC Towards an international standard for Language resource management – Semantic annotation – Part 16: Evaluative language
1430-1445 Coffee break
1445-1545 Harry Bunt Tilburg University, Holland Semantic annotation and ISO standards
1600-1700 Kiyong Lee Korea University, South Korea Annotation-based semantics for dynamic space with motions
13-09-24 Venue: National Research Centre of Engineering Technology for the Sharing of Scientific Resources
0900-1030 James Pustejovsky Brandeis University, USA Dynamic information: space, time and motion
1030-1045 Coffee break
1045-1200 James Pustejovsky & Kiyong Lee Brandeis University, USA & Korea University, South Korea Towards an international standard for Language resource management – Semantic annotation – Part 18: Dynamic information
1200-1300 Lunch break
1300-1430 Roundtable discussion
1430-1600 Plenary meeting of ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 2 Semantic annotation
1600-1700 Maosong Sun Tsinghua University, PRC The state of the art of large language models
1800-2100 Dinner meeting on Floor 3 of Vision Hotel
14-09-24 0700-0800 Breakfast discussion